Save Money on Car Insurance for More Affordable Costs

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Written By LoydMartin

To provide clarity and guidance in the complex realm of insurance, ensuring our readers and clients have the knowledge to secure their rights and their future.





Twelve Tips to Save Money on Car Insurance for More Affordable Costs

It can be difficult to purchase car insurance, and with the multitude of options and sales channels that are available today, it is often difficult to determine where to start the process. It can be even more difficult if you try to lower your premiums without increasing the risk or reducing the amount of coverage you have.

Since motor insurance is primarily rated by your birthday date, age, and the postcode or zip code you have without regard to moving or becoming older, it is often the case that reducing your vehicle insurance costs is a difficult task.

This is not necessarily so! Whatever method or channel you select to purchase auto insurance, if you consider these money-saving suggestions the implementation of any of them can almost guarantee a decrease in the cost of your insurance at the onset of a policy or during renewal. Making changes to any one of these factors that determine the quotes that you receive, it will result in a new quote that is in your benefit.

Car Insurance money-saving tips are explained

Before we get started, keep in mind – Don’t automatically renew your insurance at the same time with the same company. If you compare the prices and coverages of various insurance providers, it’s likely that you’ll get similar coverage for less.

1. Research through the Internet – Visit different suppliers

You should be happy with at least PS150 200, $200 or 2 hours of work. This is the least amount you could save on annual premiums, if you spend a few hours looking for quotes online.

Compare car insurance websites. Contact the company directly if you think the rates are too high , but you still like the insurance coverage provided by the particular insurance company.

The large motor insurance comparison sites you see advertised all the time on television will direct you to the supplier’s site itself to complete the deal’, so its recommended to shut down the application, clear the browser’s cookies memory to ensure you are not charged their commission rates. Also, visit the insurance company direct.

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You should also visit a specialist auto insurance scheme provider. These were once only available in the High Street but are now appearing everywhere on the internet. Whatever your requirements are, whether it’s lady driver cover or perhaps classic car cover specialists in car insurance by their very nature usually provide lower rates as they benefit from the economies of scale facilitated through group purchasing of insurance.

2. Do your research

Who’s offering discounts on TV at the moment? Every person seeking motor insurance has a unique car and various needs for cover. Take note of what your needs are for cover and then find companies that can meet your needs. If you are an older person you should browse the Internet for policies on car insurance for people over 50.

3. Pick a policy that’s simple

If you are not worried about the quality of your insurance and just require basic road safety, look for one of the many policies being offered by insurance supermarkets as “value car insurance‘. Although these policies do not offer the full coverage needed under the Road Traffic Act and may only be appropriate for young drivers or cars with low mileage but they can be helpful.

4. Only get cover for what you need

When you already have AA coverage, and you have another vehicle on your driveway that you can utilize, why should you not pay for breakdowns of your car or other costs, such as cost of a replacement vehicle in case you are in an accident? Make sure to review the details of your current policy and remove any duplicate or unnecessary coverages.

5. Take on the risk yourself

With Car Insurance you have two fundamental options to take on more of the risk you take on yourself. One is by choosing how much cover you want in the first place, that is, either full or third party, possibly with fire and theft options included. The second is that you have the option on most systems to select the amount of the costs in the event of an accident you’re willing to cover yourself, before you call an insurance company to file an claim. This is referred to as the voluntary excess, and is the amount that will be deducted first from any amount you make claims for. It is an ideal idea to cover the accident repair costs yourself, even if they’re lower than the amount of your voluntary excess.

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6. Improved car and location security will reduce the danger of vehicles

If you keep your car off road or garage it in the night, you’ll be eligible for additional discounts. If you own a classic car that doesn’t come with these features as standard, putting in security equipment, such as automobile alarms, immobilizers and GPS trackers to your vehicle will substantially reduce your premium

7. You can increase your driving skills or change your lifestyle

If you need to make a claim because of the way you drive, or if you’ve earned more than one SP30 for speeding, your insurance premiums will be significantly increased at renewal. You can lower the cost of insurance by changing the way you use your car or altering your life style.

8. Reduce your car’s Usage

You can decrease the the time you use your car and lower the risk you take to an underwriter. Be aware of the miles you run up every year and ensure that you are paying for what you are paying for! Don’t make a false mileage claim in order to save money since should you ever make an insurance claim the mileage you have driven and your MOT if applicable will be scrutinized by an assessor of claims. Your claim could be rejected or diminished in value if there is a substantial discrepancy between what you claimed and the vehicle you actually did.

9. You must pay the entire premium in advance

The majority of UK insurance companies have additional fees for handling monthly direct debit transactions. It is common to receive discounts of between five and 10% by paying online instantly or via phone using the debit card.

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10. Examine specialist insurance and Car Insurance Schemes

Search for insurance firms that specialize in specific car types, such as the performance motor insurance, or for coverage of new drivers. These plans provide specific policy options and a coverage that is tailored for the specific driver class. These plans are typically cheaper than standardised coverage provided by comparison sites since they can offer bulk buying economies of scale in underwriting and claims, and an array of risk pools that are similar to those for the same car and individual types.

11. Join a Car Insurance club

Many car owners clubs and special marques clubs offer special affinity group rates that are only available to specialist car insurance schemes. Membership fees of these clubs could be lower than the five to 10 percent savings you could achieve on your premiums signing up to a specific scheme.

12. Develop advanced driving skills

Insurance companies online will help you save more if your driver’s education includes the ADC (Advanced Driving Skills Course). These courses are offered nationally and the cost of the course is outweighed by the savings that you can make on insurance premiums. Younger drivers are more likely to save money, and this is one positive method to reduce their annual vehicle insurance.

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